Art, design and illustration

inspired by the beauty of Cornwalls’ South coast

Feel the creativity

It’s palpable down here. Everywhere you go there is something incredible just waiting to take your breath away. The rocks under the surface of crystal clear turquoise water. The warren of narrow streets and colourful cottages. The hedgerows in the different seasons. A boat drifting off into the hazy horizon.

My story

My world is getting smaller

How does a beautiful landscape or seascape painting have a place in such a broken world? Do we deserve beauty? It's unthinkably hard to imagine how we go from where we are now to a better place, but we have to try. Is the overriding human super power the power to endeavor, persist and hope against all odds that we can fix everything, or is the arrogance that we think we can succeed the reason for all our problems?

I was prompted (by Google, as I researched how to write a decent artists biography) to describe my motivation as an artist. I struggled, as it made me confront what I have been struggling with for years now, and what I now realise has stopped me picking up a paintbrush for so long; the pursuit of documenting the beauty and power of nature seems so futile.

The answer is something I’ve been moving towards for a while, and is very logical and simple, in essence it’s just to be kind to each other and support each other in smaller, local communities where there's no need to fight over borders and the pooling of our natural skills means that communities are self-sustaining. But, in order to get there, how do we start? It's such an epic transformation from where we are now globally and culturally, where do we even begin? Are there enough people who think the same thing? How to we find each other and join forces? The stakes are so high, the overwhelm too much, but I'm going to use some advice given to me a long time ago in another life, but that has shone like a beacon for reasons i didn’t understand until now, and 'just start'.

'My world is getting smaller' describes the pieces I am currently working on, and is an attempt at showing the beauty in the everyday tools, skills, natural resources and surroundings that will help us evolve into our next phase, hyper-local self-sustaining communities. I will post new pieces here and on my socials as I finish them.

@revelartdesign #socialsforgood

Lined Wireframe Small Landscape Frame
Lined Wireframe Small Landscape Frame
Lined Wireframe Portrait Frame

Travel style illustrations

Your special places

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taking inspiration

A little obsessed with Seagulls

I just love them. And round here they are everywhere. Obviously they’re not everyones cup of tea, especially after they’ve just taken a swipe at your pasty, but to me they’re amazing creatures just strutting around like they own the place and scheming up new ways to find their next snack.

looe seagull collection

Lined Wireframe Square Frame


Going in for an unsuspecting kids’ ice cream

Lined Wireframe Square Frame


Trying to spot a crab running for freedom having escaped from its bucket

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Lined Wireframe Square Frame


Scanning the car park for the cleanest car on which to make a deposit

Lined Wireframe Portrait Frame
Lined Wireframe Portrait Frame

Graphic Designs

Still seaside, but a bit different

The main idea here was to try and capture the essence of a place. For me it’s the colours in their purest form, and little else to get in the way. A third design is in the pipeline to complete the series, a simplified representation of the shape of Looe river - watch this space.

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Different Media


No AI here. These are digitally drawn sketches of my favourite places made on location and using plenty of reference photos. I use artistic license liberally to ensure I include all the elements of a place that make it unique and special - giving a more concentrated version of a place and not just a simple rendition.

Pen and ink

My go-to medium for capturing the warmth and essence of a place and a moment in time. Particularly suited to bringing out the character of buildings and architecture.

Print making

I recently discovered the beauty of monotype printing. The tiny imperfections in the perspex and the subtle changes in mark-making give depth and character to each print. But the real drama comes from the reveal when you peel back the paper from the press to see what the finished print looks like.

Logo design

Logos are hugely personal, representing your brand values and aesthetic. Research, collaboration and iteration is crucial to ensure your logo is right for your needs and help set your brand apart in a competitive market.

Logo made to raise money for a local charity

Lined Wireframe Small Landscape Frame

Stickers on Land Rovers across the South West!

White hoodie on a young woman, mockup.

Logo for a local print and design company

Commissions taken, just email for details!

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Instagram - coming soon

Facebook - coming soon

Our mascot, the blue goat, we won him on the 2p machines. Only cost about £20...